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Maybe you say these things to yourself…. “I guess I feel awful because it’s just part of being depressed like my doctor has told me” or “maybe it’s my genetics”, or “maybe I just burned myself out working so hard”?
Maybe you’ve already put a lot of effort into finding a solution – seeing specialist after specialist…
… only to be told “you’re depressed” and “take the medication and hope for the best” – even though you sense they are missing something.
Yet undeniably, you have also seen a steady decline in your energy and unwanted weight gain to boot… which is making the aches and pains worse.
Maybe you are even feeling cheated by how much effort you put into working with many doctors to “just get a straight answer” and how to “get back to where you used to be”?
Or maybe you’ve seen some other upsetting changes in your skin and bowel movement… keying you in that it’s probably not a classical case of depression.
I understand exactly what you are experiencing right now, because I also experienced many of these tiresome symptoms early on in my career.
Yet as a traditionally trained doctor at the time, I simply could not find the answers.
That led me to seek additional medical training in Functional Medicine, which I now combine into a truly comprehensive approach towards rebalancing physical and mental health.
As an in-demand educator and go-to expert in mental health, I am on a mission to help as many patients as possible through my practice Functional Mind LLC, as well as teaching nationally on how food, lifestyle, gut health and environmental factors impact your mental balance.
The good news is, you can start to adjust those factors to bring back balance to your life, and resolve depression without going on antidepressants.
I had to learn these things through years of education as well as trial and error… but I don’t want you to go through the same thing I did, dealing with persistent symptoms and feeling depressed because no one shared this critical information with me!!
Can you imagine how good that would feel… to be finally free of your fatigue, low moods, and brain fog so you can get your life back?
To finally have your piece of mind back, shed a few pounds and sleep soundly at night? To finally have the energy to get your work done and enjoy time with your family again?
It is possible, as I have seen with countless of my patients and myself… and this is why I created a 12-week bootcamp to help you revitalize your brain… to cover all the information that unfortunately isn’t common knowledge.
Dr. Stein has been practicing functional medicine since 2012. She has published her book in the last year which has become an Amazon international bestseller.
Discover why you were prescribed or offered antidepressant medication, and what is needed to shift your mindset and set well-intentioned goals for your perfect life vision. The benefit of shifting your mindset is to feel confident about your life’s direction and manifest the depression-free future you deserve.
Assess where your health stands right now with several investigative questionnaires & simple tests, plus get a baseline read on your toxicity exposure. The benefit of these investigative tools is to discover the extent of your symptoms and recognize the specific physical areas you need to address to dive deeper into why you feel depressed and fatigued.
Create a timeline that informs you about your health history and how it has shaped your current health situation. The benefit of mapping out your health history is to identify past events that have predisposed, provoked, and contributed to your depression-like symptoms – revealing reoccurring themes, a family history of mental illness and “perfect storms” that catapulted you down the wrong health path.
Discover how leaky gut syndrome and systemic inflammation are the baseline cause for most chronic diseases and mental health conditions. You’ll learn how to implement a Clean Eating food plan that also addresses food sensitivities, intolerances and allergies so we can remove an onslaught of systemic inflammation. We also dive into what foods improve your mood (affect serotonin) and what foods can make your mood worse and bring on feelings of depression. This is how we can use food as medicine instead of using antidepressants.
Create a timeline that informs you about your health history and how it has shaped your current health situation. The benefit of mapping out your health history is to identify past events that have predisposed, provoked, and contributed to your depression-like symptoms – revealing reoccurring themes, a family history of mental illness and “perfect storms” that catapulted you down the wrong health path.
Discover how leaky gut syndrome and systemic inflammation are the baseline cause for most chronic diseases and mental health conditions. You’ll learn how to implement a Clean Eating food plan that also addresses food sensitivities, intolerances and allergies so we can remove an onslaught of systemic inflammation. We also dive into what foods improve your mood (affect serotonin) and what foods can make your mood worse and bring on feelings of depression. This is how we can use food as medicine instead of using antidepressants.
One of the hardest things to learn is how to change behavior and this week will help provide you with a clean slate to make mood-boosting, depression-busting food choices easily and without feeling overwhelmed. Learn how to clean out your pantry and fridge, how to navigate the grocery store and cook a clean meal. The benefits of cleaning up your food spaces and learning to grocery shop will make eating healthy more efficient and easy.
One of the easiest ways to reduce the toxic burden on your body is to remove anything in your environment (chemicals, EMF, VOCs, mold, etc) that may be triggering your depressive symptoms. These are easy fixes that can produce major results to help clear your mind and mood. You will complete a toxic exposure questionnaire to see where you fall short, and learn how to choose the right products for your home with helpful apps.
The benefits of hacking your sleep hygiene and exercise plan are endless but ultimately when your sleep and movement are in sync they can drastically reduce symptoms of depression and increase mental resilience to outside stressors. Learn about sleep hygiene and modern movement that doesn’t have to be called “exercise.” Do the MSQ again to track your progress.
There are lots of roadblocks surrounding lifestyle change. By talking through these issues, you’ll build the awareness where past (emotional) trauma may be holding you hostage, so you can weed out any emotional ties to behaviors and cut the endless bad habit loops that keep you in a depressive state. You’ll troubleshoot issues surrounding food and lifestyle and consider adding certain foods back into your diet.
Stress management might be the most significant tool you’ll learn from this bootcamp for hacking depression. Dealing with stress appropriately in the moment can put your body into a parasympathetic state, kicking inflammation, cortisol and depressive symptoms to the curb. In this module, you’ll discover tips and tricks to deal with both acute and chronic stress. The benefits of stress management sometimes put all the other work we’ve done to shame.
When you dive deeper into your personal habits, you’ll be amazed to discover the habit loops that trip you up over and over again, keeping you in a depressive state. We help you ponder over all your behaviors surrounding your food, sleep and movement and guide you to create a personalized path to the depression-free zone! You’ll also learn the 5R’s of Emotional Restoration: Recap, Reflect, Recognition, Resistance and Roadblocks – so you can move past deep-rooted emotional obstacles that are preventing you from making healthy changes or choices.
In this module, you’ll take another MSQ assessment to identify your ACTUAL, real-time progress with everything we’ve implemented in the previous modules. This module is a review of everything you’ve learned to solidify your choices and check in to see how your depressive symptoms have improved – plus chart out the road ahead after the completion of the bootcamp!
Present your wins to the class! Feel confident and prepared to FINALLY take control of your health! The benefits of celebrating your health wins are important for recognizing how hard you worked and truly relishing in a positive new outlook on life. You will be grateful for all that you’ve accomplished in this program to beat your depressive symptoms and live the life you were meant to live!